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FATHOMWERX SUMMIT 2023 - September 27-28

Exploring the intersections between industry and the Department of the Navy


FATHOMWERX Summit, with participation from ANTX Coastal Trident Open House and Venture Ventura has the goal of encouraging collisions at the intersections between industry and the Department of the Navy.  This inclusive event will be filled with tested technologies, demonstrations, tours, networking, keynote speaker, and Department of the Navy program reps and stakeholders.


Open to:
• Defense Industrial Base
• Academia
• Government employees & contractors
• Active Duty & Retired Military
• ANTX Coastal Trident participants


• Technologists
• Patent holders
• Innovators
• Government program leads
• Those interested in networking
• Those interested in impacting Navy capabilities

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FATHOMWERX is a partnership of the following:

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Image by Jeremy Bishop
  • Leverages the Navy’s investment in innovation and experimentation

  • Showcases ANTX-related technology

  • Opportunities for observation, engagement, and collaboration


Coastal Trident

ANTX Coastal Trident’s Open House is the technology exposition and culmination of 3 months of technology exercises for ANTX and Coastal Trident. ANTX, Advanced Naval Technology Exercise, is intended to accelerate information exchange and reduce risk for implementation via testing of technology in the field; Coastal Trident is an operational research program to address threats to port and maritime security. 


This year, ANTX Coastal Trident will conclude at FATHOMWERX Summit, where participants can exhibit their technologies, meet each other, and interface with DON programs and people.

  • Tours/Demos of your unique facilities and capabilities

  • Open House, meet and great

  • Socials/Activities/Other such as hosted coffee or lunch

Venture Ventura

Venture Ventura, as part of FATHOMWERX Summit, is offering the national audience to the local Ventura County community to show off what your company/group does in terms of defense, defense industries, innovative organizations, ground breaking tech, and programs & personnel that support your success, at your own facility or location of your choice.


Apply to be a Venture Ventura Host and be part of the “a la carte” agenda that will be offered to the FATHOMWERX Summit attendees (both locals and visitors), where you will be able to host and meet interested people from government, industry, academia, and more.

2023 FATHOMWERX Summit Recap

2023 FATHOMWERX Summit Event Photos

2023 FATHOMWERX Summit Featured Exhibitors & Sponsors